HomeHR glossaryWeb-based training (WBT)
Web-based training (WBT)

Web-based Training (WBT) is a method of delivering educational and instructional content over the Internet or an intranet, allowing learners to access and complete training modules, courses, or materials through web browsers. WBT leverages digital technology to provide convenient and flexible learning experiences, often incorporating multimedia elements such as videos, interactive simulations, quizzes, and assessments.

In the realm of human resources, a company might use WBT to administer diversity and inclusion training to its employees. Through an online platform, employees can access modules that cover topics like cultural sensitivity, unconscious bias, and inclusive workplace practices. They can watch video presentations, participate in interactive scenarios, and take quizzes to gauge their understanding. This approach ensures that all employees have easy access to essential training regardless of their location or work schedule, promoting a more inclusive and knowledgeable workforce.

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