HomeHR glossaryDirect hire
Direct hire

Direct hire refers to the process of hiring an employee directly into a permanent position within an organization, without involving third-party intermediaries such as staffing agencies or recruitment firms. In a direct hire scenario, the employer assumes full responsibility for the recruitment, selection, and onboarding of the candidate. They conduct the entire hiring process in-house, from advertising the job opening, sourcing and screening candidates, conducting interviews, negotiating the employment terms, and extending the job offer. Direct hire is commonly used for long-term employment needs and key positions within the company.


A company decides to hire a software engineer directly for their development team. They create a job posting, advertise it on their website and relevant job boards, and review applications received directly. The HR team conducts interviews, assesses the candidates' qualifications and fit for the role, and eventually selects the most suitable candidate. The company then proceeds to negotiate the employment terms, such as salary, benefits, and start date, and extends a job offer directly to the chosen candidate. In this case, the direct hire process enables the company to have full control over the recruitment and hiring decisions, ensuring a seamless integration of the employee into the organization.

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