HomeHR glossaryCross-functional team
Cross-functional team

A cross-functional team is a group of individuals from different functional areas or departments within an organization who come together to work on a specific project, task, or goal. Members of a cross-functional team bring their unique skills, expertise, and perspectives to collaborate and contribute to the successful completion of the project.


In an organization, a cross-functional team may be formed to develop a new product or service. The team could include members from various departments such as marketing, engineering, finance, and operations. Each team member brings their specialized knowledge and experience to the project, enabling a more comprehensive and integrated approach. The cross-functional team allows for effective communication, faster decision-making, and a holistic understanding of the project's requirements. By leveraging diverse perspectives and expertise, cross-functional teams promote innovation, problem-solving, and the efficient use of resources. HR departments play a role in facilitating the formation of cross-functional teams, ensuring collaboration, and providing support to team members in terms of training, coordination, and conflict resolution.

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