HomeHR glossaryCode of conduct
Code of conduct

A code of conduct is a set of guidelines and principles that outlines expected behaviors, standards, and ethical practices within an organization. This serves as a framework to guide employees' conduct, interactions, and decision-making, promoting professionalism, integrity, and adherence to legal and ethical standards. A code of conduct often covers areas such as honesty, respect, confidentiality, conflict of interest, and compliance with laws and regulations.

freeC Company has a comprehensive code of conduct that all employees are expected to follow. This emphasizes the importance of treating colleagues with respect, maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive information, avoiding conflicts of interest, and conducting business in an ethical manner. The code of conduct also provides guidance on reporting violations and the consequences of non-compliance. By adhering to the code of conduct, employees contribute to fostering a positive work environment and upholding the company's reputation.

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