HomeHR glossaryBuddy System
Buddy System
The buddy system is a program that pairs new employees with experienced employees in the company to help them understand the working environment, work processes, and the way the company operates. This program is intended to help new employees easily adapt to the job and reduce abandonment in the early stages of work.
Two examples of the application of the Buddy System in the HR industry include:

Company A usually trains and recruits new employees in the first months of the year. During that time, they send some experienced employees as buddies for the new employees. These buddies will introduce the company, and work process, share experiences, and answer questions for new employees during their work.

In a new project, company B divides employees to work together in pairs. People who work together in a pair will help each other in the process of working, share their knowledge and experiences, and give opinions to each other to optimize their work group. This helps employees get the job done efficiently and achieve the best results.

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