We understand your hiring objectives and the importance of finding the right fit. Start your journey with freeC and witness the difference in your recruitment!
Smart Fast-track
Delivering top-tier candidates within 2-3 days, saving global businesses time and costs.
Smart Frontier
freeC possesses a strategic advantage in talent networks with a database of more than 600,000 senior candidates intelligently screened using modern AI technology.
Smart Financial Efficiency
freeC’s extensive talent pool and our team of experts, along with innovative hiring approaches, help limit hidden costs and improve recruitment quality.
We focus on strategic success
Experience quality standards that define professionalism uniquely at freeC!
Discuss and determine the partner's recruitment needs through face-to-face or online meetings.
Search - filter - connect
Our highly specialized headhunter team assisted with AI thoroughly searching and screening CVs, ensuring that the most qualified candidates are swiftly delivered to you.
Interview candidates
Once you have selected suitable resumes, assist in arranging candidates for interviews with employers.
Onboarding new staff and warranty process
Assist candidates with post-interview procedures. Implement the policy of warranty according to the contract and solve arising problems.
We Bring The Best experience
Customer experience is the top priority at freeC. Our team consists of over 60 professional consultants specializing in various sectors to ensure the highest quality and experience for our clients.
Shift Asia
“freeC is highly proactive and responsive in supporting candidates for Shift Asia, and the quality of candidates meets the requirements of Shift Asia.”
Maruichi Sun Steel JSC
“freeC is a reliable partner in labor supply, providing quality candidates and enthusiastic support in recruiting for Maruichi Sun Steel.”
Pizza 4Ps
Food & Beverage
“In my brief experience with freeC, they have been fast, supportive, attentive, friendly, and made valuable recommendations without pressure.”
Cosmetics Manufacturing
“Thanks to freeC for their excellent support in recruitment, including quality candidates, diverse sources, quick adaptability, and great customer service.
Food Manufacturing
“I am highly satisfied with the recruitment consultants at freeC. They promptly send CVs that mostly meet our company's requirements. ”
IT Services
“We ask recruiting service for engineers and designers to freeC. Not only they recommend us very quick due our HR to connect candidates. And freeC create the best path for both companies and candidate.”
Shift Asia
“freeC is highly proactive and responsive in supporting candidates for Shift Asia, and the quality of candidates meets the requirements of Shift Asia.”
Maruichi Sun Steel JSC
“freeC is a reliable partner in labor supply, providing quality candidates and enthusiastic support in recruiting for Maruichi Sun Steel.”
Pizza 4Ps
Food & Beverage
“In my brief experience with freeC, they have been fast, supportive, attentive, friendly, and made valuable recommendations without pressure.”
Cosmetics Manufacturing
“Thanks to freeC for their excellent support in recruitment, including quality candidates, diverse sources, quick adaptability, and great customer service.
Food Manufacturing
“I am highly satisfied with the recruitment consultants at freeC. They promptly send CVs that mostly meet our company's requirements. ”
IT Services
“We ask recruiting service for engineers and designers to freeC. Not only they recommend us very quick due our HR to connect candidates. And freeC create the best path for both companies and candidate.”
Shift Asia
“freeC is highly proactive and responsive in supporting candidates for Shift Asia, and the quality of candidates meets the requirements of Shift Asia.”
Together, we achieve Recruitment goals
We proudly serve over 1,300 loyal clients across a diverse range of industries.